Revere Copper

Revere Rides Again! Rides Again! Rides Again!

When you see the sign you know you're home...

..that sentiment rings true with so many Romans and that’s why current and former Romans, have asked how they can help and be a part of the legacy.

A fund was established with the Rome Community Foundation so that anyone can contribute to this community project.

The fundraiser link is through Zeffy and all funds go directly to the Rome Community Foundation (RCF). RCF will disburse the funds back to the Revere Rides Again Project.

Or you can write a check made out to and mail:

Rome Community Foundation
PO Box 609
Rome, NY 13442-0609

Revere Rides Again Logo

What A Celebration! Celebration! Celebration!

Relighting circle fireworks photo

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone in the community who joined us in celebrating on the 4th of July. It was a truly magical night, filled with friendship, camaraderie and a profound sense of community pride. Events like these remind us of the incredible spirit and unity that define Rome. Revere Copper is honored to be part of such a vibrant and supportive community, and we look forward to many more memorable moments together.

What the Community is Saying

Thank you for an amazing party!!! My family had the best time! Great music, food, drinks and amenities! Thank you Revere for being so generous to their employees and families! Service was great and everyone was so nice and friendly! Fantastic job! So special for the Rome community!! We appreciate everything everyone did to make it a wonderful night!
It was amazing! Thank you for making Paul Revere ride again! ❤️
Congratulations to the Revere Team and everyone involved in making this happen! I saw so many old friends last night, what a great evening for Rome New York. You should all be proud of your achievement!
Congratulations to the Revere Team and everyone involved in making this happen! I saw so many old friends last night, what a great evening for Rome New York. You should all be proud of your achievement!
An amazing event watching history transform , I am proud to be a Roman but even prouder that we are a part of the Revere Family , my husband has worked at Revere for over 22 years , and my grandfather worked there in the 1920’s till 1964 for over 47 years
The sign Looks awesome!
As a current employee of Revere I am very proud of you and your accomplishments keep up the amazing work.....I invited my dad, sister, and my aunt to the celebration and they thoroughly enjoyed their time there. They came all the way from Hamilton/Earlville. They really thought that Revere really did a great job
What an awesome experience to be part of and so up close and personal!! Great job on the party everything was fantastic!! Thank You Revere!!
This was beautifully done! Hearing the crowd when it was lit up, gave me goosebumps! Thank you so much for lighting this up again. It means a great deal to the community.
It does my heart good to see that Paul Revere is riding again in my hometown of The City of Rome, NY after a two-decade hiatus. There was something comforting about driving back into Rome at night in my youth and seeing the illuminated Revolutionary War patriot and his neon horse making their rounds above the giant Revere Copper and Brass mill. I can't wait to get back and see Paul ride again. I'm sure it's going to evoke feelings of pride and nostalgia. A doff of the cap to everyone who worked on making this happen again.

you can still get the merch! get the merch! get the merch!

For a Limited Time!

“Listen, my children, and you shall hear. Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere...”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1860